Sunday 6 December 2015

Let's Try This Again...

It's been a little over two years since I last made a post. I kind of put writing on the back burner during that time and with each passing day it got harder and harder for me to get back into it.

During that time, I started to focus more on reading, mostly fantasy. In 2013, I read a decent amount of books with 21, including the current five novels in the A Game of Thrones series. 2014 was the pinnacle of my reading performance, with a whopping 44 titles passing through my hands. This year, 2015, I dialed it back quite considerably and am on pace to finish the year with 15 books read.

With all that reading, it has started to get my creative writing juices flowing again. So for the upcoming year of 2016, I am going to challenge myself to start writing again. I will be relying heavily on my wife for support, encouragement, proof-reading, and idea feedback.

Part of this challenge is to post an entry to this blog page at least once a week. Topics can vary to include anything. However, I don't think I'll be posting any of my story writings unless I feel they are finished and think people will enjoy them.

I have looked around to see if I could find some kind of website or app to help me keep track my progress, but it seems they are strictly goal oriented (50,000 words in a month or else you fail) and I don't really find that encouraging.

So I made a simple spreadsheet where I input the date, type of writing (blog, story, etc.), if it's a new or continuing entry, and number of words written. I know it's very basic, but I think that's all I really need. Other than that, I don't really have any goals. I believe that a story is done when you feel it is- not when you have hit a specific word count.

I hope that if you find your way to my blog and enjoy what you see/read, check back in the following weeks. Feedback and constructive criticism is welcome. See you in the new year!

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