Sunday 10 January 2016

Blog Challenge: Week 1

Happy New Year! As the first full week of 2016 has come to an end (some may argue that it had already ended and it is now technically the second week of January, but I don't care, at least I'm writing), I realized that I almost forgot to write my weekly post.

I was fortunate enough to string together 12 days off in a row for Christmas and New Year's. The time off was great. I didn't get up to anything spectacular, just spent time with family, but it was nice to get a break from the daily grind of the real world.

I started reading a book called House of Leaves, by Mark Z. Danielewski. I can't even begin to do it justice by trying to explain it, but if you're into horror/suspense/something-off-the-wall, definitely check it out.

I also started to write a little bit more. First off, I had an idea for a short story and have written about 500 words so far. I still have to finish it and maybe expand on some areas to hit the 1500 word mark (apparently that is a requirement to call it a short story). I'm pretty excited about it and hopefully it turns out to be a good story.

I also wrote a backstory for a character I plan on using in an upcoming campaign of Dungeons & Dragons. It's only a few paragraphs long but generally the background is kept short and sweet because it's easier to insert the character into the game setting versus a character that is complex.

When life returned to normal and I went back to work, I found that the week flew by and before I knew, it was Sunday and I hadn't submitted a posting. So here it was. The first of many (hopefully) this year.

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